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<h2 class="toggle-box-head title-color gdl-title"><span class="toggle-box-head-image"></span>Picking an SEO Friendly CMS</h2>
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<p>When looking to build a website, determining which CMS (content management system) you are going to use is a critical first step. Sure, you could have someone code your site from scratch, but why waste the effort when you don’t have to (not to mention that’s probably a terrible idea, for lots of reasons)?</p>
<p>There are literally hundreds of CMS options, and it can be hard to determine which one is the best. Unfortunately, not all content management systems are created equal, and some can actually do more harm than good (as an SEO rule of thumb, avoid anything .NET/ASP, and anything made by Adobe).</p>
Но он использует ещё скрипт, а какой не могу понять
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<h2 class="toggle-box-head title-color gdl-title"><span class="toggle-box-head-image"></span>Picking an SEO Friendly CMS</h2>
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<p>When looking to build a website, determining which CMS (content management system) you are going to use is a critical first step. Sure, you could have someone code your site from scratch, but why waste the effort when you don’t have to (not to mention that’s probably a terrible idea, for lots of reasons)?</p>
<p>There are literally hundreds of CMS options, and it can be hard to determine which one is the best. Unfortunately, not all content management systems are created equal, and some can actually do more harm than good (as an SEO rule of thumb, avoid anything .NET/ASP, and anything made by Adobe).</p>
Но он использует ещё скрипт, а какой не могу понять