Парсер Кинопоиска 18.5
Страницы: Пред. 1 2
Парсер Кинопоиска 18.5, Что с ним?
Алексей Тимофеев пишет:
после добавления каждой новости очистить кэш сайта на главной
ну мне это тоже помогает, но это блеать не дело же )) нелицуха то на гсах парсит нормально, а этот почемуто моск выносить стал smile:(

ICQ: 647366012 Skype: ftpzerocool</b>
smile:) странно получается..на одном хостинге на сайтах - он то работает, то нет. А на другом стабильно работает, без ошибок) видимо кинопоиск принял меры по фильтру айпи... на поверхостинге - нормалек, а на свебе - попа(
Регайтесь! Помогу с партнеркой! http://entercash.ru/index.php?refid_new=2349
Я на свебе бытался запустить чтото не поер парсер) там чтото отдельно нужно устанавливать или хостеров просить?

curl и ioncube должны быть
smile:confused: перестал  парсить скрины и большой постер. Все попытки как-то подобрать правильную ссылку увенчались провалом((( может всем миром одолеем его? сейчас выложу код, который нужно как то доработать.
PKinoPois for DLE
@ini_set('display_errors', true);
@ini_set('html_errors', false);
@ini_set('max_execution_time', '300');

define('DATALIFEENGINE', true);
define('ENGINE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/..');
define('ROOT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/../..');

require_once ENGINE_DIR.'/data/config.php';
require_once ENGINE_DIR.'/classes/mysql.php';
require_once ENGINE_DIR.'/data/dbconfig.php';
require_once ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/functions.php';
require_once ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/sitelogin.php';
require_once ENGINE_DIR.'/data/config_pkinopoisk.php';

if (!$is_logged || !in_array($member_id['user_group'], $conf_pk['group_ap'])) {
@header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".$config['charset']);
die('Вам не разрешено пользоваться данным модулем!');

require_once ENGINE_DIR.'/classes/thumb.class.php';
define('FOLDER_PREFIX', date("Y-m"));
$config['allow_cache'] = "yes";

$news_id = intval($_POST['news_id']);
$author = $member_id['name'];
$time_s = time();

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$_POST['film_name'] = stripslashes($_POST['film_name']);
$film_name = urlencode(trim(convert_unicode($_POST['film_name'], $config['charset'])));

if ($film_name == "")

//if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) > 25) {
// $us_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
//} else {
$us_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.56 Safari/535.11';

if ($conf_pk['jpeg_quality'] <= 0) {
$conf_pk['jpeg_quality'] = $config['jpeg_quality'];

function load_page($url, $refer = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/', $file_img = false, $post = false, $init = false, $redir = false)
global $conf_pk, $us_agent;
static $time = 0;
static $curl_redir = 0;
static $curl_redir_max = 5;

if ($curl_redir >= $curl_redir_max) {
$curl_redir = 0;
return false;

$conf_pk['sleep'] = intval($conf_pk['sleep']);
if ($conf_pk['sleep'] > 0) {
if ($time + $conf_pk['sleep'] > time())
$time = time();

if ($init == false) {
$ch = curl_init($url);
} else {
$ch = $init;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $us_agent);
@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 120);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $refer);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, ENGINE_DIR.'/cache/cookie_pk.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, ENGINE_DIR.'/cache/cookie_pk.php');
if ($conf_pk['proxy_type'] == '1' && $conf_pk['proxy'] != '') {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $conf_pk['proxy']);
} elseif ($conf_pk['proxy_type'] == '2' && $conf_pk['proxy'] != '') {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $conf_pk['proxy']);
if ($redir) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
if ($post) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
if ($file_img && !$redir) {
$fp = fopen($file_img, 'w');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
$page = curl_exec($ch);

if ($file_img && !$redir) {
if ($redir) {
list($header, $page) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $page, 2);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if (($http_code == 301 || $http_code == 302) && !$redir) {
return load_page($url, $refer, $file_img, $post, $ch, true);
} elseif ($http_code == 301 || $http_code == 302) {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/Location:(.*?)(\n|$)/is', $header, $matches);
$url = @parse_url(trim($matches[1]));
if (!$url) {
$curl_redir = 0;
return $page;
$last_url = parse_url(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL));
if (!$url['scheme'])
$url['scheme'] = $last_url['scheme'];
if (!$url['host'])
$url['host'] = $last_url['host'];
if (!$url['path'])
$url['path'] = $last_url['path'];
$new_url = $url['scheme'].'://'.$url['host'].$url['path'].($url['query'] ? '?'.$url['query'] : '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $new_url);
return load_page($new_url, $refer, $file_img, $post, $ch);
} else {
$curl_redir = 0;
if ($file_img && !$redir) {
if (is_array(@getimagesize($file_img))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return $page;

function uploads_pic($urlcopy, $name, $refer, $tumb = '', $tumb_t = '', $wmo = '', $ico = '')
global $author, $news_id, $db, $conf_pk, $config;

if (!is_dir(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX)) {
@mkdir(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX, 0777);
@chmod(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX, 0777);
@mkdir(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX."/thumbs", 0777);
@chmod(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX."/thumbs", 0777);

$image_name_full = FOLDER_PREFIX."/".$name;
$image_name_thumb = FOLDER_PREFIX."/thumbs/".$name;

if (!load_page($urlcopy, $refer, ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full))
return false;

if ($ico == 'on_r' || $ico == 'on_b' || $ico == 'on_wh') {
$imag_info = @getimagesize(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full);
if ($imag_info[2] == 2)
$imag_src = @imagecreatefromjpeg(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full);
elseif ($imag_info[2] == 1)
$imag_src = @imagecreatefromgif(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full);
$imag_src = @imagecreate($imag_info[0], $imag_info[1]);

if ($ico == 'on_r') {
$imag_des = @imagecreatetruecolor($imag_info[0] - 155, $imag_info[1]);
@imagecopy($imag_des, $imag_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imag_info[0] - 155, $imag_info[1]);
if ($ico == 'on_b') {
$imag_des = @imagecreatetruecolor($imag_info[0], $imag_info[1] - 37);
@imagecopy($imag_des, $imag_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imag_info[0], $imag_info[1] - 37);
if ($ico == 'on_wh') {
if ($imag_info[0] <= $imag_info[1]) {
$imag_des = @imagecreatetruecolor($imag_info[0], $imag_info[1] - 37);
@imagecopy($imag_des, $imag_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imag_info[0], $imag_info[1] - 37);
} else {
$imag_des = @imagecreatetruecolor($imag_info[0] - 155, $imag_info[1]);
@imagecopy($imag_des, $imag_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imag_info[0] - 155, $imag_info[1]);
@imagejpeg($imag_des, ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full, 100);

if ($conf_pk['max_up_side'] != 0) {
$imag = new thumbnail(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full);
$imag->size_auto($conf_pk['max_up_side'], 0);

if ($tumb != 0) {
if (!isset($imag))
$imag = new thumbnail(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full);
$imag->size_auto($tumb, $tumb_t);

if ($wmo == 'on') {
if (!isset($imag))
$imag = new thumbnail(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full);

@chmod(ROOT_DIR."/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full, 0666);

$row = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ".PREFIX."_images where author='$author' AND news_id='$news_id'");
if (!$row['count']) {
$added_time = time() + ($config['date_adjust'] * 60);
$inserts = $image_name_full;
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".PREFIX."_images (images, author, news_id, date) values ('$inserts', '$author', '$news_id', '$added_time')");
} else {
$row = $db->super_query("SELECT images FROM ".PREFIX."_images where author = '$author' AND news_id = '$news_id'");
if ($row['images'] == "")
$listimages = array();
$listimages = explode("|||", $row['images']);
$listimages[] = $image_name_full;
$row['images'] = implode("|||", $listimages);
$db->query("UPDATE ".PREFIX."_images set images='{$row['images']}' where author = '$author' AND news_id = '$news_id'");

return "/uploads/posts/".$image_name_full;

if ($_POST['id'] == 'list') {

$cooke_pk_time = @filemtime(ENGINE_DIR.'/cache/cookie_pk.tmp') + 60 * 60 * 24;
if ($conf_pk['user'] != '' && $conf_pk['pass'] != '' && (time() >= $cooke_pk_time || !($coockeF = file_get_contents(ENGINE_DIR.'/cache/cookie_pk.php')) || strstr($coockeF, $conf_pk['user']) == false)) {
$page = load_page('http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/30/', 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/30/', false, 'shop_user[login]='.$conf_pk['user'].'&shop_user[pass]='.$conf_pk['pass'].'&shop_user[mem]=on&auth=%E2%EE%E9%F2%E8+%ED%E0+%F1%E0%E9%F2');

if (!($refer = dle_cache('pkp_ref_'.$author)))
$refer = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/';
$pars_list = load_page('http://www.kinopoisk.ru/index.php?first=no&what=&kp_query='.$film_name, $refer);
create_cache('pkp_ref_'.$author, 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/index.php?first=no&what=&kp_query='.$film_name);
preg_match_all('#<p class="name">([^<]+)[^<]+<span class="year">([0-9]+)</span></p>#is', $pars_list, $link_film, PREG_SET_ORDER);

@header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".$config['charset']);
echo "<div style=\"background: #ffc;border:1px solid #9E9E9E;padding: 5px;margin-top: 7px;margin-right: 10px;\">";

$list_film = '';
foreach ($link_film as $value) {
$list_film .= '<li>'.$value[2].' ('.$value[3].') <img src="uploads/pkinopoisk/kinopoisk.ru.png" alt="Посмотреть на КиноПоиск" width="16" height="16" border="0"></li>';
if ($list_film == '') {
$filano = preg_match('/<script type="text\/javascript"> id_film = ([0-9]*?); <\/script>/si', $pars_list, $mach);
if ($filano && $mach[1] != '') {
$list_film = '<li>'.trim(convert_unicode($_POST['film_name'], $config['charset'])).' <img src="uploads/pkinopoisk/kinopoisk.ru.png" alt="Посмотреть на КиноПоиск" width="16" height="16" border="0"></li>';
} else {
$list_film = 'По Вашему запросу фильмы не найдены';

echo $list_film;
echo "</div>";
} elseif ($_POST['idf'] == 'on' && is_numeric($_POST['id']) && $_POST['id'] > 0) {

if ($conf_pk['user'] != '' && $conf_pk['pass'] != '' && (!($coockeF = file_get_contents(ENGINE_DIR.'/cache/cookie_pk.php')) || strstr($coockeF, $conf_pk['user']) == false)) {
load_page('http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/30/', 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/30/', false, 'shop_user[login]='.$conf_pk['user'].'&shop_user[pass]='.$conf_pk['pass'].'&shop_user[mem]=on&auth=%E2%EE%E9%F2%E8+%ED%E0+%F1%E0%E9%F2');

if (!($refer = dle_cache('pkp_ref_'.$author)))
$refer = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/';
if ($conf_pk['pars_trivia'] == 'on') {
$url_p = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/1/film/'.$_POST['id'].'/view_info/ok/';
} else {
$url_p = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/1/film/'.$_POST['id'].'/';
$pars_film = load_page($url_p, $refer);
create_cache('pkp_ref_'.$author, $url_p);

$pars_data = array(
'name_f' => '#<h1 style="margin: 0; padding: 0" class="moviename-big" itemprop="name">(.*?)</h1>#si',
'name_orig' => '#<span style="color: \#666; font-size: 13px" itemprop="alternativeHeadline">(.*?)</span>#si',
'year' => '#год</td>.*?<td class="[^>]+>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'country' => '#страна</td>.*?<td class="[^>]+>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'slogon' => '#слоган</td>.*?<td style="color: \#555">(.*?)</td>#si',
'director' => '#режиссер</td><td itemprop="director">(.*?)</td>#si',
'screenwriter' => '#сценарий</td><td>(.*?)</td>#si',
'producer' => '#продюсер</td><td itemprop="producer">(.*?)</td>#si',
'operator' => '#оператор</td><td>(.*?)</td>#si',
'composer' => '#композитор</td><td itemprop="musicBy">(.*?)</td>#si',
'genre' => '#жанр</td><td itemprop="genre">(.*?)</td>#si',
'budget' => '#бюджет</td>.*?<td class="[^>]+>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'fees_use' => '#сборы в США</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'fees_world' => '#сборы в мире</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'fees_rus' => '#сборы в России</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'premier' => '#премьера \(мир\)</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'premier_rus' => '#премьера \(РФ\)</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'reliz_dvd' => '#релиз на DVD</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'time_film' => '#время</td><td class="time" id="runtime">(.*?)</td>#si',
'poster_film' => '#<td valign="top">.*?<img[^>]+src="((http://st.kinopoisk.ru)?/images/film/[0-9]+\.jpg)"[^>]+>.*?</td>#si',
'link_kadr' => '##si',
'description' => '#<span class="_reachbanner_">(.*?)</span>#si',
'kp_rating' => '#text-decoration: none">.*?<span>(.*?)</span>#si',
'kp_rating_num' => '#<span class="ratingCount" itemprop="ratingCount">(.*?)</span>#si',
'imdb' => '#IMDB:\s(.*?)\s.*?</div>#si',
'imdb_num' => '#IMDB:.*?\((.*?)\).*?</div>#si',
'reliz_bluray' => '#релиз на Blu-Ray</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">(.*?)</div>#si',
'trailer' => '#"trailerFile":[^"]{0,3}?"([^"]+)",#si',
'trivia' => '#Знаете ли вы, что...</td></tr>.*?<ul class="trivia">.*?<li class=\'trivia\'>(.*?)</ul>#si',
'poster_film_big' => '#<a.*?href="/film/([0-9]+)/posters/">#si',
'actors' => '#<span class="title">В главных ролях:</span>(.*?)(<span class="title">|</td>)#is',
'actors_dubl' => '#<span class="title">Роли дублировали:</span>(.*?)(<span class="title">|</td>)#is',
'rate_pg' => '#рейтинг MPAA</td><td class="rate_[^>]+>.*?<img src=[\'"]?[^>]+?/images/mpaa/(.*?)[\'"]? height=11 alt=[\'"]?рейтинг (.*?)[\'"]? border=0>.*?</td>#si',
'audience' => '#зрители</td>.*?<div style="position: relative">.*?<div style="margin-left: -20px;">(.*?)</div>#si'

$rpl_s = array(' ', '<br>', '<br />');
$rpl_r = array(' ', '\n', '\n');
$prpl_s = array('#
#is', '#([\n]*|[\r]*|[\t]*)#is', '#[\s]+#is');
$prpl_r = array('</a>,', '', ' ');
foreach ($pars_data as $name => $value) {
@preg_match($value, $pars_film, $matches);
if ($name == 'rate_pg' && count($matches) == 3) {
$post_data[$name]['img'] = $matches[1];
$post_data[$name]['text'] = $matches[2];
} elseif ($name == 'rate_pg') {
$post_data[$name] = '';
} elseif ($name == 'audience') {
$post_data[$name] = trim($matches[1]);
// elseif ($name == 'trailer') {
// $post_data[$name] = $matches;
// continue;
// }
$matches[1] = str_replace($rpl_s, $rpl_r, $matches[1]);
// $matches[1] = html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES);
if ($name == 'actors' || $name == 'actors_dubl') {
$matches[1] = preg_replace($prpl_s, $prpl_r, $matches[1]);
} elseif ($name == 'trivia') {
$matches[1] = str_replace('</li><li class=\'trivia\'>', '</li>\n<li class=\'trivia\'>', $matches[1]);
} elseif ($name == 'premier' || $name == 'premier_rus') {
$matches[1] = preg_replace('#([\n]*|[\r]*|[\t]*)#is', '', $matches[1]);
$matches[1] = preg_replace('#([\s]{2,})#is', ' ', $matches[1]);
$matches[1] = strip_tags($matches[1]);
if ($name == 'trivia' && $conf_pk['pars_trivia'] != 'on') {
$matches[1] = preg_replace('#\(.{1,5}читать всё\)#is', '', $matches[1]);
$matches[1] = trim($matches[1]);
if ($name == 'director' || $name == 'screenwriter' || $name == 'producer' || $name == 'operator' || $name == 'composer' || $name == 'genre' || $name == 'actors' || $name == 'actors_dubl' || $name == 'reliz_dvd' || $name == 'reliz_bluray') {
$matches[1] = trim($matches[1], ' .,');
$post_data[$name] = $matches[1];

//@header( "Content-type: text/html; charset=" . $config['charset'] );
//foreach ( $post_data as $kay => $val ) {
// if ( $kay == 'rate_pg' && $val != '' ) echo $kay.' = "'.var_dump($val).'"<br />'."\n";
// else echo $kay.' = "'.$val.'"<br />'."\n";
//$post_data = array();

if ($conf_pk['pars_com'] > 0 && $conf_pk['sort_com'] == 'off') {
$data_com_c = @preg_match_all('#<p id="ext_text_[0-9]+"><span class="_reachbanner_" onmouseup="getSelect.[0-9]+.">(.*?)</span></p>#is', $pars_film, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$i = 0;
foreach ($matches as $value) {
$patt = array('/(\n\r|\n)?/im', '/<br.*?>/is', '/<b>/is', '/<\/b>/is', '/<i>/is', '/<\/i>/is');
$replac = array('', '\n', '[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]');
$value[1] = preg_replace($patt, $replac, $value[1]);
$value[1] = trim($value[1], " \t\n\r,");
$value[1] = strip_tags($value[1]);

$data_com[] = $value[1];

if ($i >= $conf_pk['pars_com']) {
} elseif ($conf_pk['pars_com'] > 0 && $conf_pk['sort_com'] == 'on') {
$data_com_c = @preg_match_all('#<p id="ext_text_[0-9]+"><span class="_reachbanner_" onmouseup="getSelect\([0-9]+\)">(.*?)</span></p>.{500,1100}<li id="comment_num_vote_[0-9]+">([0-9]+) / ([0-9]+)</li>#is', $pars_film, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

$i = 0;
foreach ($matches as $value) {
$matches_sv['s'.$i] = $value[1];
if ($value[3] == 0)
$value[3] = 1;
$matches_ss['s'.$i] = $value[2] / $value[3];

if (is_array($matches_ss)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($matches_ss as $kay => $value) {
$patt = array('/(\n\r|\n)?/im', '/<br.*?>/is', '/<b>/is', '/<\/b>/is', '/<i>/is', '/<\/i>/is');
$replac = array('', '\n', '[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]');
$matches_sv[$kay] = preg_replace($patt, $replac, $matches_sv[$kay]);
$matches_sv[$kay] = trim($matches_sv[$kay], " \t\n\r,");
$matches_sv[$kay] = strip_tags($matches_sv[$kay]);

$data_com[] = $matches_sv[$kay];

if ($i >= $conf_pk['pars_com']) {
} else
$post_data['comment'] = '';

if ($post_data['poster_film'] != '' && $conf_pk['pars_poster_film'] == 'on') {
if (stripos($post_data['poster_film'], 'kinopoisk.ru') === false)
$poster_film = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru'.$post_data['poster_film'];
$poster_film = $post_data['poster_film'];
$file_name = 'poster-'.$_POST['id'].'.jpg';
$file_name = time()."_".$file_name;
if (!($poster_film_s = uploads_pic($poster_film, $file_name, $url_p) ))
$poster_film_s = '';

function pars_imag($idfilm, $type, $col_imag = '', $tumb = '', $tumb_t = '', $wmo = '', $ico = '')
global $conf_pk, $url_p;
static $url_p_i = '';

if ($url_p_i == '')
$url_p_i = $url_p;

if ($type == 'screen') {
$size_l_oboi = '/';
$url_link = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/13/film/'.$idfilm.'/adv_type/still/';
$sear_f = '<img[^>]+>';
} elseif ($type == 'poster') {
$size_l_oboi = '/';
$url_link = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/17/film/'.$idfilm.'/';
$sear_f = '<img[^>]+>';
} elseif ($type == 'kadr') {
$size_l_oboi = '/';
$url_link = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/13/film/'.$idfilm.'/';
$sear_f = '<img[^>]+>';

if (is_numeric($idfilm) && $col_imag > 0) {

$pars_oboi = load_page($url_link, $url_p_i);
$url_p_i = $url_link;
if (preg_match('|'.$sear_f.'|is', $pars_oboi, $matches_if)) {

$pars_img = load_page('http://www.kinopoisk.ru/picture/'.$matches_if[1].$size_l_oboi, $url_p_i);
$url_p_fi = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/picture/'.$matches_if[1].$size_l_oboi;
// preg_match('|<tr>.*?<td valign="top">.*?.*?<img.*?src="(.*?)"[^>]+>.*?.*?</td>.*?</tr>|is', $pars_img, $matches_l);
preg_match('|<tr>.*?<td valign="top">.*?<img.*?src="(.*?)"[^>]+>.*?</td>.*?</tr>|is', $pars_img, $matches_l);
$file_name = time()."_".$matches_if[1].'.jpg';
if ($ff = uploads_pic('http://st.kinopoisk.ru'.$matches_l[1], $file_name, $url_p_fi, $tumb, $tumb_t, $wmo, $ico))
$film_data[$matches_if[1]] = $ff;
if (preg_match_all('|[0-9]+|is', $pars_img, $matches_ar, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {

if ($col_imag > 1) {
$i = 2;
foreach ($matches_ar as $link_n_img) {
$pars_img = load_page('http://www.kinopoisk.ru/picture/'.$link_n_img[1].$size_l_oboi, $url_p_fi);
$url_p_fi = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/picture/'.$link_n_img[1].$size_l_oboi;
//preg_match('|<tr>.*?<td valign="top">.*?.*?<img.*?src="(.*?)"[^>]+>.*?.*?</td>.*?</tr>|is', $pars_img, $matches_l);
preg_match('|<tr>.*?<td valign="top">.*?<img.*?src="(.*?)"[^>]+>.*?</td>.*?</tr>|is', $pars_img, $matches_l);
$file_name = time()."_".$link_n_img[1].'.jpg';
if ($ff = uploads_pic('http://st.kinopoisk.ru'.$matches_l[1], $file_name, $url_p_fi, $tumb, $tumb_t, $wmo, $ico))
$film_data[$link_n_img[1]] = $ff;
if ($i >= $col_imag)
} else {
return false;
return $film_data;

if ($post_data['poster_film_big'] != '' && $conf_pk['pars_poster_film_big'] == 'on') {
$data_bposter = pars_imag($_POST['id'], 'poster', 1, $conf_pk['tumb_poster'], $conf_pk['tumb_poster_type']);
if (count($data_kadr_s) < 1) {
$post_data['poster_film_big'] = $conf_pk['poster_film_alter'];
} else {
$post_data['poster_film_big'] = '';

if ($post_data['link_kadr'] != '' && $conf_pk['kol_kadr'] > 0) {
$data_kadr = pars_imag($_POST['id'], 'kadr', $conf_pk['kol_kadr'], $conf_pk['tumb_kadr'], $conf_pk['tumb_kadr_type'], $conf_pk['watermark_on'], $conf_pk['imag_cut']);

if ($post_data['link_kadr'] != '' && $conf_pk['kol_scrin'] > 0) {
$data_scrin = pars_imag($_POST['id'], 'screen', $conf_pk['kol_scrin'], $conf_pk['tumb_kadr'], $conf_pk['tumb_kadr_type'], $conf_pk['watermark_on'], $conf_pk['imag_cut']);

$link_tags = $config["http_home_url"].'tags/';

function pkp_get_tags($text)
global $link_tags;
$tags_l = array();
$tags = array();
if ($text != '') {
$tags_array = explode(', ', $text);
foreach ($tags_array as $value) {
$value = trim($value);
if (preg_match( "/[\||\'|\<|\>|\"|\!|\?|\$|\@|\/|\\\|\&\~\*\+]/", $value)) {
$tags_l[] = $value;
} else {
$tags_l[] = '[url='.$link_tags.urlencode($value).'/]'.$value.'[/url]';
$tags[] = $value;
$tags_l = implode(', ', $tags_l);
$tags = implode(', ', $tags);
return array($tags_l, $tags);

// $templ_title = str_replace('"', '"', $templ_title);
// $templ_show = str_replace('"', '"', $templ_show);
// $templ_full = str_replace('"', '"', $templ_full);

$templ_show = stripslashes($templ_show);
$templ_full = stripslashes($templ_full);
$templ_title = stripslashes($templ_title);
if (count($templ_xfields)) {
foreach ($templ_xfields as $name_x => $value_x) {
$templ_xfields[$name_x][0] = stripslashes($value_x[0]);

$post_data['id_film'] = $_POST['id'];

if ($post_data['poster_film'] != '')
$post_data['poster_film'] = $poster_film_s;

$post_data['screen_film'] = '';
if (count($data_kadr) > 0) {
foreach ($data_kadr as $value) {
$post_data['screen_film'] = $post_data["screen_film"].'[thumb]'.$value.'[/thumb] ';

$post_data['screen_film_scr'] = '';
if (count($data_scrin) > 0) {
foreach ($data_scrin as $value) {
$post_data['screen_film_scr'] = $post_data["screen_film_scr"].'[thumb]'.$value.'[/thumb] ';

if (count($data_bposter)) {
foreach ($data_bposter as $value) {
$post_data['poster_film_big'] = $value;
if (!isset($post_data['poster_film_big']))
$post_data['poster_film_big'] = '';

if ($post_data['audience'] != '') {
if ($conf_pk['aud_type'] == 'on') {
$post_data['audience'] = preg_replace('#<img src="(http://st.kinopoisk.ru)?/images/flags/(.*?)" width=16 height=11[^>]+>#i', '[img=none]/uploads/pkinopoisk/flags/$2[/img]', $post_data['audience']);
} else {
$post_data['audience'] = preg_replace('/ /i', '', $post_data['audience']);
$post_data['audience'] = preg_replace('#<img src="(http://st.kinopoisk.ru)?/images/flags/.*? title="(.*?)"[^>]+>#i', ' $2 - ', $post_data['audience']);
$post_data['audience'] = rtrim(strip_tags($post_data['audience']), ' .,');

if (is_array($post_data['rate_pg'])) {
if ($conf_pk['rate_pg_type'] == 'on') {
$post_data['rate_pg'] = '[img=none]/uploads/pkinopoisk/mpaa/'.$post_data['rate_pg']['img'].'[/img]';
} else {
$post_data['rate_pg'] = $post_data['rate_pg']['text'];

if (!empty($post_data['trailer'])) {
// if (!empty($post_data['trailer'][3]))
// $post_data['trailer'][3] = $post_data['trailer'][3].'.kinopoisk.ru/';
// else
// $post_data['trailer'][3] = 'tr.kinopoisk.ru/';
// if (!empty($post_data['trailer'][4]))
// $post_data['trailer'][2] = $post_data['trailer'][4];
$post_data['trailer_link'] = 'http://tr.kinopoisk.ru/'.$post_data['trailer'];
$post_data['trailer'] = '[video=http://tr.kinopoisk.ru/'.$post_data['trailer'].']';
} else {
$post_data['trailer_link'] = '';
$post_data['trailer'] = '';

if (isset($data_com)) {
$post_data['comment'] = '';
foreach ($data_com as $value) {
$post_data['comment'] .= $value.'\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n';
$post_data['comment'] = rtrim($post_data['comment'], '\n-');
} else
$post_data['comment'] = '';

if ($conf_pk['imag_separ'] == 'on') {
$ni = 1;
if (count($data_kadr) > 0) {
foreach ($data_kadr as $value) {
$arrSear = array('[pkpgiven_screen_film_'.$ni.']', '[pkpvalue_screen_film_'.$ni.']', '[/pkpvalue_screen_film_'.$ni.']');
$arrRepl = array($value, '', '');
$templ_show = str_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $templ_show);
$templ_full = str_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $templ_full);
if (count($templ_xfields)) {
foreach ($templ_xfields as $name_x => $value_x) {
$templ_xfields[$name_x][0] = str_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $value_x[0]);
$ni = 1;
if (count($data_scrin) > 0) {
foreach ($data_scrin as $value) {
$arrSear = array('[pkpgiven_screen_film_scr_'.$ni.']', '[pkpvalue_screen_film_scr_'.$ni.']', '[/pkpvalue_screen_film_scr_'.$ni.']');
$arrRepl = array($value, '', '');
$templ_show = str_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $templ_show);
$templ_full = str_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $templ_full);
if (count($templ_xfields)) {
foreach ($templ_xfields as $name_x => $value_x) {
$templ_xfields[$name_x][0] = str_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $value_x[0]);
$arrSear = array('#\[pkpgiven_screen_film_(scr_)?[0-9]+\]#i', '#\[pkpvalue_screen_film_(scr_)?[0-9]+\].*?\[/pkpvalue_screen_film_(scr_)?[0-9]+\]#i',);
$arrRepl = array('', '', '', '');
$templ_show = preg_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $templ_show);
$templ_full = preg_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $templ_full);
if (count($templ_xfields)) {
foreach ($templ_xfields as $name_x => $value_x) {
$templ_xfields[$name_x][0] = preg_replace($arrSear, $arrRepl, $value_x[0]);

$catSootSel = '';
if (count($catSoot) > 0) {
$catSootSel = $post_data['genre'];
foreach ($catSoot as $kay => $val) {
$catSootSel = str_ireplace($kay, $val, $catSootSel);
$catSootSel = preg_replace('#[^0-9,]+#is', '', $catSootSel);
if ($catSootSel != '') {
$catSootSel = 'catSootSel(['.$catSootSel.']); ';

$tags = '';
$templ_xfields_sc = '';
foreach ($post_data as $name => $value) {
// echo '"'.$name.'" => "'.htmlspecialchars($value).'"<br />';
$value = preg_replace('/\$/is', '\\\$', $value);

if ($conf_pk['del_tir'] == 'on') {
if ($value == '-')
$value = '';

$templ_title = preg_replace('/\[pkpgiven_'.$name.'\]/is', $value, $templ_title);
if ($value != '') {
$templ_title = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](.*?)\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\]/is', '$1', $templ_title);
} else {
$templ_title = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\].*?\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](\n|\r\n|)?/is', '', $templ_title);

if ($conf_pk['t_'.$name] == 'on' && $value != '') {
$value = preg_replace('/‘|’|&#(1(45|46)|39)[;]?|\'|'/', ' ', $value);
$value = pkp_get_tags($value);
if (!empty($value[1])) {
$tags = $tags.$value[1].', ';
$value = $value[0];

$templ_show = preg_replace('/\[pkpgiven_'.$name.'\]/is', $value, $templ_show);
if ($value != '') {
$templ_show = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](.*?)\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\]/is', '$1', $templ_show);
} else {
$templ_show = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\].*?\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](\n|\r\n|)?/is', '', $templ_show);

$templ_full = preg_replace('/\[pkpgiven_'.$name.'\]/is', $value, $templ_full);
if ($value != '') {
$templ_full = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](.*?)\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\]/is', '$1', $templ_full);
} else {
$templ_full = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\].*?\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](\n|\r\n|)?/is', '', $templ_full);
if (count($templ_xfields)) {
foreach ($templ_xfields as $name_x => $value_x) {
$value_x[0] = preg_replace('/\[pkpgiven_'.$name.'\]/is', $value, $value_x[0]);
if ($value != '') {
$value_x[0] = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](.*?)\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\]/is', '$1', $value_x[0]);
} else {
$value_x[0] = preg_replace('/\[pkpvalue_'.$name.'\].*?\[\/pkpvalue_'.$name.'\](\n|\r\n|)?/is', '', $value_x[0]);
$templ_xfields[$name_x][0] = $value_x[0];

$tags = rtrim($tags, ' ,');
$patt = array(
$replac = array(

$templ_title = preg_replace($patt, $replac, $templ_title);
$templ_show = preg_replace($patt, $replac, $templ_show);
$templ_full = preg_replace($patt, $replac, $templ_full);

if (count($templ_xfields)) {
foreach ($templ_xfields as $name_x => $value_x) {
$value_x = preg_replace($patt, $replac, $value_x);
if ($value_x[1] == 'text')
$templ_xfields_sc .= "post_xfield( '$name_x', '1', '$value_x[0]' ); ";
elseif ($value_x[1] == 'textarea')
$templ_xfields_sc .= "post_xfield( '$name_x', '2', '$value_x[0]' ); ";

$time_e = time() - $time_s;

@header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".$config['charset']);
echo "<div style=\"background: #ffc;border:1px solid #9E9E9E;padding: 5px;margin-top: 7px;margin-right: 10px;\"><div style=\"display:none;\"><a href=\"http://partnertraffic.ru/\" title=\"Arttse (partnertraffic.ru)\">Partner Traffic</a></div>";
echo "Фильм загружен (заняло ".$time_e." сек.). Нажмите сюда чтобы оформить пост.";
echo "</div>";
'poster_film' => '#<td valign="top">.*?<img[^>]+src="((http://st.kinopoisk.ru)?/images/film/[0-9]+\.jpg)"[^>]+>.*?</td>#si',
'link_kadr' => '#<a.*?href="/film/([0-9]+)/stills/">#si',
 может ошибка тут? или здесь:

if ($type == 'screen') {
$size_l_oboi = '/';
$url_link = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/13/film/'.$idfilm.'/adv_type/still/';
$sear_f = '<img[^>]+>';
} elseif ($type == 'poster') {
$size_l_oboi = '/';
$url_link = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/17/film/'.$idfilm.'/';
$sear_f = '<img[^>]+>';
} elseif ($type == 'kadr') {
$size_l_oboi = '/';
$url_link = 'http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/13/film/'.$idfilm.'/';
$sear_f = '<img[^>]+>';
smile:) прошу помощи!..где же вы скриптологи и программисты?
ну почему никто не напишет чтобы тема не умерла?)))
smile:) как говорил один умный человек - Терпение и труд - все перетрут)) Сломал я этот парсер, теперь парсит и большой постер и большие кадры)
smile:) очередная смена структуры знакомого  нами сайта вынудила вебмастеров опять задаваться вопросами: перестал парсить сериалы, перестал парсить фильмы. И снова я не спав полночи решил и эту проблему) Теперь парсит все, большие постеры, большие кадры, а также хорошо замаскированные первые результаты поиска.  Обращайтесь)
Подскажите где взять парсер для DLE 9.8 ??? Спасибо
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